My favorite folks ! :)

14 April 2009

Longing for home sweet home

I never find it easy to be away from home an extra day. Work has not been very busy for me, so it just makes it that much harder. I didn't have anyone scheduled today, & the doc (chiropractor) only had 2, so i wasn't likely to get someone at the last minute, i had them take me off the schedule.

Our cozy woodstove insert

My sunny kitchen (doors not back on cabinet, yet)

The lovely shelves Duane put up for me
I think they look like an old-fashioned pantry
(The wall is slanted)

I love our home!

I was going to visit with my sis for a while, but it's a 2 hour drive. Between the migraine aftermath (mostly resolved now, but don't want to push it) & being so tired, i decided not to. I started a really deep chest cough out of the blue
yesterday, & it is wearing me out. I'm not coughing much, but when i do it is nasty & hurts. It also hurts to breathe most of the time. Lying down helps. I've been drinking hot water or tea with raw honey the past couple of hours. Lots of vitamin D as well. The quercetin, coltsfoot, & astragalus are all at home.

Instead of working i went & got a massage & ran a lot of errands. I don't get many massages. I've a couple of folks to trade with, but often it doesn't pan out. We haven't money for me to pay for massage very often. I did today. And, as i often do, i saw someone i'd not used before. One advantage to that is that i can sometimes pick up tricks i'd otherwise not know. A disadvantage is that if i don't know the person i don't know the kind of work they do.

I've decided that, in general, massage therapists give the type of massage they themselves like. Not entirely true, of course. I don't particularly like trigger point, but it is very effective when working with pain or restricted range of motion, so i use it alot. But when i give a "regular massage," i usually give it slow, because i like it slow. When a therapist works on me slow i kind of "melt" & my muscles adjust to the pressure much more easily.

Of the past 4 massages i've gotten, 3 were NOT slow. They were at break-neck, sports-massage pace. Two of those meant i got to the end (once early on) & thought, "Whew! Wish i could get a good massage." One of those i specifically asked the therapist to work slow. Nope, nothing doing. Also, i schedule 1-1/2 hours so the person has time to do the work sloooooow, but it doesn't seem to matter.

Today's MT also worked at a frantic pace. She did slow down when i asked her to, & my muscles did respond better, but she was soon working frantically again.

The difference between what she did & what i've had before was when she was done i didn't as shorted. I think that is because she does have a lot of training & so what she did didn't damage me, tho i still think i'd respond better to a slower pace. Her justification for working fast was that she "had so much to do & spent so much time on the neck." I'd rather she do a little less, meaning fewer techniques, & just slow down & spend some time on the ones she does do. But over all, if it had to be fast-paced, it worked ok. In fact, her stretches, while painful, were inspired & i could move better after them. Still wish i could have someone spend time slowly working my aching calves.

Think this is enough for today. I've been feeling very emotional lately (and H.A.T.E it) & was going to explore that, but it will wait.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

(a row of smiles, in case you didn't get any today. don't know what that is going to look like!)



Val at The Illustrated Garden said...

Feel better soon! Your blog is beautiful -- I'll be a regular from now on.

Melody said...

Thank you for your comment! I can't see pictures on blogs while I'm at work but I'm sure your home is beautiful!

Linda said...

Your pictures are great. I'm definitely a home body. There's no place like home!