A friend had mentioned her daughter's blog (daughter is a few years younger than i) in her Christmas letter. I went to it & found that they were blogging about following the South Beach Diet & "healthy food." I was fascinated.
About the same time i tried to look up an old professor from college. I discovered he had died, but another former student a year ahead of me had blogged about it. I read her blog (feeling a bit guilty at the time because i felt it violated "her space") but i found it very interesting & read the whole thing. I've since come to accept that folks who make their blogs public are open to others reading what they write. But i must admit that i comment less at these two blogs than any other because i "know" these folks in person. I seem to have a hang up about folks wanting a comment from me. It just isn't something i think they'd want.
Anyway, within a week of "discovering" blogs i did my first post, a year ago.
The weather has been warmer the last week or so. It rained off & on thru the night. The power went off about 12.30 & was off for 2 hours. Then on for almost 1.5 hours & off for another 1.5. The wood stove doesn't honestly do that good a job of heating the house, especially without the electric fan attachment. It started to snow about 2 PM & we now have about 3 inches of wet, heavy snow.
The wind has been gusting up to 60 MPH, & was at a steady 35-40 for a while. That "sheared off" 4 power poles in the Baldwin area that took out the whole valley. They have redirected power for some of us, but was estimating that Baldwin won't have power for 6-12 hours after it happened. I'd hate to be a power guy working out in this weather. Although the wind died down for a while, it is gusting again.
I spent the afternoon going thru some papers & pictures i'd had sitting for some time. Couldn't be on the computer, or watch TV, or do laundry, or a number of other things. I pulled the box down by the front sliding glass door for light & went thru them all. Now i just have to "put them in their proper place." I have quite a number of old pics i want to scan into my computer. Couldn't do that this afternoon, either.
We don't have the power go out very often here. I can't remember a time it has been off for so long since we lived here. Neither of Duane's generators worked. He is wanting to get a big one that will power the whole house. I've decided i'd like a few lamps, as well. I do have candles - somewhere. I'm not a big candle person. It might be a good idea to have some easily accessible, however. Most of the ones i have are with the Christmas stuff. We have a lot of flashlights. But i think a couple of kerosene lamps would be good too. I also need to get the chimney sweep out to check our pipes. There has to be a reason the stove isn't heating very well.
We will see what happens tonight as far as going down tomorrow. But we probably will. Duane talked about going down this afternoon to "get ahead of the weather," especially with the power out. That didn't get a good review from me. I hate to leave home anyway, with the idea that i wouldn't know what was going on at home & i'd be a nervous wreck the whole time we were gone, wondering about what was happening at home. AND wondering if i would be able to get home on Thursday.
We're happy to have power back again. Duane's Search & Rescue meeting (scheduled tonight) was canceled, tho. Woo-hoo! I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Previews of the scans. I don't know why my dad favored B&W photos, but he did. I found quite a number of them today. This one looks like it is from the 40s - well the truck is from the mid-50s, i think, but i swear this photo is not that old! My dad had this really old ford truck that i learned to drive on, starting when i was about 12.

With my sisters the Christmas before i got married the first time. I was 20.
I married the first husband about 6 weeks after this was taken.

This pic was taken about 2 weeks after my first marriage
(i can't say "wedding" cause we didn't have one).
The color is off & i can't seem to fix it!
I married the first husband about 6 weeks after this was taken.

This pic was taken about 2 weeks after my first marriage
(i can't say "wedding" cause we didn't have one).
The color is off & i can't seem to fix it!
Nice pictures, and congrats on the year. They say that if you make it a year you are doing good.
Happy blogiversary!
Congrats on your 1 year anniversary. Nice photos too.
Happy blog-versary! Nice pics .. it's fun looking back to see the way 'we were' ;)
You must be getting all of our winter weather. We sit completely snow free at this period of winter. Last year we had already received about 10 feet of snow. I can take a few winters such as this current one (at least in my neck of the woods).
I got your email .. will study it a bit more carefully to see if we can squeeze in a cup of tea.
Hang in there with hubby and the food issue. Did you watch the move Food, Inc. together? That might give some weight to eating healthier. Also the book, Omnivores Dilemma can make a person want to eat a whole lot healthier. It takes time to change habits.
Happy one year of blogging! :)
Hey Katheryn, thanks for commenting on my blog. I hope you do grow in contentedness with your church, and I think it's really admirable that you're trying to stay where you're at. I do hope you can find yourselves in a place where you don't have to visit other churches :)
Congrats on a year of blogging. It's a big milestone. Hope 2010 is a great year of blogging for you.
yea! one year! i'm so glad you are here and i get the opportunity to read you!
What a pretty lady! I love your hair Kathryn! Isn't it amazing how time flies!
Congratulations on one year!! Great pics! What a riot old photos are, eh?
A year has passed for your blog adventures? It does go quickly, but yours is a very interesting blog to read - you're honest, genuine, and heartfelt in all that you write about even the painful things others would gloss over. That is what makes you you and I wouldn't want you any other way. As I look at your photos I do see a very young lady (you do look really young there for 20) who is so poised and beautiful.
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