I am not the Pioneer Woman. I don't take pics of every step as i go!
This is the recipe i found on Cooks Dot Com:
Blueberry Streusel Coffee Cake
2 1/3 C all-purpose flour
1 to 1 1/3 C sugar
3/4 C milk
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
3/4 C butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 C fresh OR frozen blueberries
To make batter, combine flour, sugar, and salt in large bowl; cut in butter as for pie crust. Reserve 1 cup of mixture. Add baking powder, milk, eggs and vanilla to larger portion of dry ingredients. Beat on medium speed for 2 minutes, scraping bowl constantly. Pour evenly in greased 13x9x2 inch baking pan. Sprinkle blueberries evenly over batter.
1 C Ricotta cheese
2 TB sugar
1 egg
1 TB grated lemon peel
Blend cheese, egg, sugar and lemon peel until smooth; spoon evenly over blueberries.
1 C reserve crumbs
1/2 C chopped nuts (finely chopped almonds work well)
1/3 C brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
Make topping by mixing reserved crumbs, nuts, brown sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle over cheese layer. Bake at 350 degrees for 45-60 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool slightly before cutting. Yield: 20 servings.
Now, Duane says i can't make anything the way the recipe calls for. (He's right, of course.)
First, i cut all the ingredients in half because the 20 servings worried me. (There are only 2 of us.) I've never worried about the 1/2 egg, either. Any recipe i've ever used seems fine with a whole egg when i cut the recipe.
Second, of course i made it gluten-free. I pre-mix a blend of flours. They are Bob's Redmill Gluten-free Mix (which is mostly bean flours, but some others as well), quinoa (these first two are the primary), then amarath, sorghum, tapioca, sweet rice, brown rice, white rice, corn, oat. I also use nut flours - almond or hazelnut, coconut flour, but not in the mix, & buckwheat. The first two i don't add to the mix because of their high fat content they are more likely to go bad. I add them as part of the total flour when mixing up a recipe. Buckwheat makes a dark flour, so i don't add it in the mix in case i want a white flour. My mix of flours works well. I've used it in pancakes, brownies, & cookies & never had anyone realize the wheat was missing. Cakes are different challenge, but things like coffee cake with a lot of flavor turn out well.
For this recipe i used about 3/4 C of the mix, & about 1/8 C each of almond meal & coconut flour.
Then i used a little bit of coconut oil (cold, so it was solid) with the butter when i cut it in. I've never been fond of cutting as for making pies. I started doing it by hand but soon lost patience. Thank goodness for a food processor!
I also only had sour milk on hand, so i added about between 1/8 & 1/4 tsp of baking soda.
Didn't mix it as long as the recipe recommended, & did it by hand - no problem.
Used the wild organic frozen blueberries i had on hand.
I didn't have Ricotta, so i used cream cheese. (It was probably a little more runny than the recipe would have been, due to the whole egg.)
On the topping, i didn't used chopped nuts, but i had some hemp hearts on hand, i added them in.
Baked for 55 minutes - largely because when i went downstairs to check it i found the cats had pushed the screen door open & had gotten out. Comedy of errors while we chased them, but 55 minutes seemed perfect.
Oh, & i think the 20 servings was an exageration. My little pyrex dish is almost half the size of a 9x13 pan, & i think we'll get 6 servings out of it. To get 10 servings would make them very small. These are roughly 3 inches x 3 inches.
Duane likes it!!! That is the triumph. So many things i make he doesn't care for.
Case closed. :)
Your dish came out beautiful. My husband always kids me about substitutions: Plaster is like flour. LOL
That looked yummy, I want to have a piece. Or perhaps I'll just lick the screen.
I love the Pioneer Woman but shoot, I'm not that precious about everything. My photos aren't as cute and you're right, I don't take a photo of each step of a recipe. Would like to try her cinnamon rolls sometime, though.
Perhaps God is sending me a message my word verification is Pantlod. As in pantload, meaning I already am big enough!
Need to try that coffee cake. If you need an official "taster," I'd volunteer.
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