I'm kind of having a hard day, but i want to do this. I'm just going to share some random old pics from my *ahem* 9,000+ on my iphoto.

This was Duane & me (2003) a week or two before we got engaged.

This (middle child) is the son of a friend & i thought this pic hilarious & precious.
Duane would love to do this if we could afford it.
When we first started looking for houses, Duane fell in love with this little thing (largely because of the garage & the price was under $100,000). I was so relieved when we learned it was already in escrow!!!

Duane & i at the Schultz Museum, fall 2006.
Jazz, a couple of kitten pics (fall 2006).
(See my painted pinky fingernail? I've been doing that for many years. One out of the 10.
I never wore jewelry before we were married
- often don't now since i have to take it off to work -
so i paint that one & it is my "jewelry." I had it a pale, baby blue for our wedding
& it was my "something blue.")
Mac wasn't too happy the first week or so after Jazz's arrival.
But they eventually worked it out.
Once again, most of these pics are taken by my wonderful husband Duane.
My next post has a bunch of floral pics he took at the Getty Museum.
I'm sorry you're having a tough day but I enjoyed your pics especially your kitties. We have one cat, Toby, who pretty much runs the house and just allows us to live there!
I hope you will feel better as the day goes on!
Your photos are so precious! I love the kitties. Thank you for visiting Heart Choices today and adding your comment. I Remember Mama was a book I enjoyed too. :) I hope your day gets better.
Sorry to hear you are having a rough day, but I enjoyed your pictures!
Your pictures made me smile. :)
(I pray your rough day has yielded some beauty)
Hope your day today has gotten better and tomorrow will be even better.
Bless your lovely heart.
Hugs and lots of love from West Virginia:)hope your day got better.
I have been enjoying all the pictures.
Jazz was a cutie when he was a baby!
Bummer days are ... a bummer. :( I'm sorry. I'll pray for you. (I just did).
Those pictures were fun. I especially LOVED the one of your friends son on the ride. I laughed out loud.
You and your hubby look happy together.
It was a fun visit today. (and I'm glad I was able to pray for you).
I am sorry that you had a bad day. I sure don't like those either,...but they do happen sometimes.
It is nice to have people out there to pray for us huh? I will say a little prayer tonight that tomorrow will be a better day for you.
These cats were pretty. I am not a cat or dog person,...but I do appreciate all of God's creatures.
I know that they do bring great joy into peoplk's lives.
Good night,...sleep well.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
thanks for making my day by posting the pics. Loved them all, especially the first one with you and Duane -- a perfect match!
What great pics! I love the one of you and Duane at the top of the post and of course the ones of your handsome kitties. I am so glad they became great friends and Jazz was such a sweet kitten :)
these are very nnice pictures Kathy
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