Lynnette Kraft is doing another meme on "getting to know you." She uses the image of folks visiting on "the front porch" like ladies used to do long ago. So here are a couple of pics of my front porch. We even have a porch swing. (The trim on the house hasn't yet been painted here. Well, it hasn't been painted yet. A goal for this month.)
The second pic here was taken last fall. You can see me sitting inside as Duane took the pic to get our jack-o-lanterns in the picture.
If you want to "get to know me" i write about m
1. "Charming, interesting, fun" are not categories i ever apply to myself.
2. The second pic got me all excited about the coming fall. I get excited about the next season coming around.
3. Those seasons seem to fly by much faster than when i was a kid.
4. I love funky fonts. I love this website for funky fonts, tho i've not downloaded any yet.
5. Blogging is an extension of journaling for me. I've been journaling most of my life with something of a break the past few years. Disorganization has been the biggest factor of not journaling the past few years. (That's a whole 'nother discussion.)
6. I am highly organized in some areas, not so much in others. Papers are my biggest downfall.
7. We call our house "Sugarbear." We will have fruit on our trees for the first time this year because last year (our first season in the house) all the fruit was killed by a late freeze.
8. Duane has a great camera & he does wonderful pics. The camera is so good that even i can use it & generally have the pics turn out good. But he wants to up grade.
9. These days i tend to be very practical & have a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" (or replace it) attitude. Technology changes so fast that you could be buying a new camera every year!
10. I was a "girly-girl" as a child. Loved ribbons, lace, bows & wanted everything "just so." As an adult i love looking at pics of "cottage chic" & flowers & beautiful things. I also love old things & collections of old things, but would never have my home that way. These days my practical mind says, "Duane would hate the flowers," & "Think of all the dusting!"
Head on over to Lynnette's blog if you want to "play." I put some pics of the inside of Sugarbear (tho it has changed since those pics) in my last post.
Oh, & here are close ups of the jack-o-lanterns. Duane did the cat. I did the grapes.
sounds like we have a bit in common! yes, i miss the montana summers. i am NOT used to humidity yet!
i did love being a nanny - hope i didn't come across wrong there : ) they become like your own, i hear you there - you get sooo attached, and it's so painful to leave them! i had a few big heartaches over the years because of that. i'll be praying that God will bless you with one of your own some day.
i hear ya about looking forward to the next season...and they DO go by so fast these days.
looking forward to "getting to know you" more here! thanks for stopping by.
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! It was wonderful to read! :)
As was your list. It's so interesting to read all these different facts about people. My favorite of yours would be probably number 7, because its such a cute name! I love the idea. :)
Thank you so much for sharing!
Kathryn, You are so blessed to live in Big Bear and have fruit trees and nature all around you. I liked your 10 things post.
I am becoming a follower today.
I pray God's Blessings In Your Life!
Linda, (Lynnette's Mom) @ Truthful Tidbits
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It's nice to meet a fellow book collector! :)
Your house is beautiful! I love the decor and the porch.
Take care & God bless,
We are kindred. I love cottage chic. I'm a girly girl at heart... I'm a hopeless romantic in spirit, but I'm a casual blue jean girl in real life. :)
Your home is very charming! I blew the picture up so I could see you sitting on the couch. HI KATHRYN! :) :)
Our apple trees fruited for the first time last year. This year a late frost kept them from fruiting and I'm so sad. :( Don't you just love that we can grow our own food? I think that's just cool - although I don't grow much of it. I will someday.
Such a nice visit. Love your front porch!
Your chum,
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