Leave a comment (with your name!) naming and/or giving function of each of these three items. (This should be easy for folks who like antiques.)
Posting will be open until 8 PM Saturday. I will do a random drawing for the winner & post winner either Sunday evening or Monday morning.
Prize will be a gift certificate for $25 (U.S) at Vanessa's Miessence website.
Here goes:
Um, pie tin (hand pies, basicaly)
darning egg (although that's not feeling right, but I can't pull what I'm trying to remember from my head)
Buttonhook. And a gorgeous one!
Love your knitting, btw!
Let's see, the first would be a bed warmer. Or perhaps it is a Colonial Home Protection device. Knock away that musket with this handy, handled invader-water.
Darning egg? Well shoot, I thought it was part of a mortar and pestle set, but clearly I was wrong. It could also be the peg leg of a very short sailor.
Button hook it is, or part of the weights and measurements scale from the Borrower's apartment ;-)
I'm not actually interested in the prize, Kathryn, although it's very kind of you to run the contest :-) So please don't enter me!
1. Bed warmer: They put warm coals in it and ran it over the bed sheet to warm them. Most people didn't have heat in their bedrooms. Brrrrrr cold.
2. I'm not sure but as has been suggested might be a darning egg.
3. Button hook for shoes. Women's shoes especially used to have lot of buttons and it was tight to get them done up so they used a button hook.
Fun and interesting pictures. I haven't seen "retro" stuff like this for a while. Thanks
Hi. thanks for stopping by my blog. I am in Superior which is about an hour West of Missoula. My hubby and I landed here after three years of traveling the country in a fifthwheel. We took off from NJ.
Looks like I came on to a good post.
The first one is a bedwarmer.
I have no clue as to the second one although it looks like it might come in handy with stubborn goats.
The third one is a button hook, I think.
Thanks! Patty
and congrats on your 200th post
Hello, please enter us into this wonderful drawing!
#1 is a bedpan( warmer)
#2 this is a darning block( not sure that's the exact name, but I have one and use it often)
#3 I'm not sure but I'll guess a hook of some sort, possibly for rugs( okay I din't peek at the others answers either)
Thanks for your kind words and the invite here for your give a way.
Blessings from,
The Never Done Farm
Ok I'm game. I may not get these right though!
1. Looks like something to cook stuff in over an open flame.
2. Um, some sort of mortar and pestle but only the pestle.
3. A knitting or sewing instrument.
Ok, I'm probably WAY off!! LOL!
1. I have one of these and have been told it is for warming the sheets before you crawl into bed.
2. Looks like a pestle to me.
3. A buttonhook for those fancy boots that would have killed my big feet.
Thank you for the contest. I came over from the Pioneer Woman and am getting ready to read your blog.
I am already impressed with your knitting!!
Oops. That anonymous comment is from me. I don't have a blog or any other fancy stuff!
Bridget in Minnesota
Well, the first one is defiantly a bed warmer.
The second one don't know for sure.
The third is a button hook!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will defiantly add you to my blog roll!
1. a bed warmer - we had one of these when I was a kid and we always pretended it was for popping popcorn over the fire!
2. thing to stick inside a sock when darning a hole - my grandmother used to use a lightbulb for the same purpose
3. a button hook - my grandmother also used one of these for her shoes...no shoestrings or velcro back then!
Thanks for your comment on my D9P blocks, and for the chance at this giveaway!
Okay, I'm thinking bedwarmer (put coals and then voila - ye old fashioned electric blanket as it were), a sock egg (for darning socks, my mom has one - it was great for throwing across the room at a sibling - or so I've heard), and a button hook (I think).
1. Bed Warmer
2. Darning block
3. Button hook
Thanks for visiting my blog...congrats on your 200th post. It seems weird to think we have that much to say, eh? lol!!!
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