My favorite folks ! :)

20 April 2010

Hard to believe . . .

They are predicting 3-6 inches of snow for this week.  The mountain tops may get up to a foot.  The snow level will be down to 3500 ft, which is highly usual for springtime.

The local paper, which is published weekly, had a big block on the front page this last week, begging "Mother Nature" for the snow to stop & to let spring arrive for us.  I guess "she" didn't hear.  I think the ski slopes are pleased.  No talk of the ski hills closing for the summer.

We do have tulips up, but they are a long way from blooming.  Trillium is up as well.  And wild onions.  The fruitless plum has tiny bits of buds on the end of the branches.  If i remember from other years, it will be the first to blossom.  I hope the peaches & apples hold off as long as possible.  I don't want the fruit killed.

Spring can't be too far away, but i think we are all tired of winter.   

Don't get me wrong, we have been having some lovely days with weather that feels quite nice, especially in the sun.  But the lows at night are still in the 20s or even the teens, & colder weather is being predicted, again.

Ah, well.  The joys of living at altitude.  :)



Amrita said...

Dear Kathryn, its amazing to see the differences of weather and climate. Here we are reeling under 115* heat, infra scructure is falling apart, there have been many heat related deaths.

I wish you warmth and speedy spring.
I am sitting here with my swamp cooler, doesn' t help much, still itys something. I suppose you have your heating on

Stephanie said...

Wow - I'm living in Minnesota right now and we've had a very strangely early spring. I'm sorry to hear you're still getting winter weather! Too much snow can get so tiring. Hope it warms up for you soon.

Land of shimp said...

Hey Kathryn! Happy Spring-mainly-in-name! Like you we've been having a shy, reluctant sort of Spring, putting Shakespeare to the test, I guess. "Now is the Winter of our discontent, made glorious Summer by this Sun of York." and all that.

Summer? I'd settle for a nice Spring day, glory optional ;-)

Here's hoping your season takes a gander at the calendar soon :-)