Lynnette is doing a link up of dorky pics. How can i pass that up? (Unfortunately i've plenty of these types of pics of me. My physique seems to lend itself to dolt & clown.)

If my mother read my blog, she'd probably kill me for this one.

Duane's niece, the day i met her.

I've no idea what i was doing here; i don't want to think of it.
This was suppose to be an engagement pic, ah, i don't think so!
The chicken dance at our wedding.
I was informed we couldn't have a family wedding without it.
The love of my life. :)
Duane posing at a karate Christmas party
On the "Duck Tour" in SF. I've one of the two of us
but it is TOO dorky ;)

I don't know how kitties can be dorky but still so cute

Thanksgiving with the family

This one isn't dorky, i just love it!
I've no idea what i was doing here; i don't want to think of it.
This was suppose to be an engagement pic, ah, i don't think so!
I was informed we couldn't have a family wedding without it.
but it is TOO dorky ;)
This one isn't dorky, i just love it!
Oh Kathryn, those were funny! That poor little dorky and adorable white kitty! HA! That was my and Abigail's favorite.
I love that you took time to laugh with me. Opportunities to smile are all around us - how can we resist?
Happy Day - you just made mine happier. :)
Too funny!! Hurray for you to show the dorky (I call it human) side!!! You have a great man if he lets you post photos of him being "dorky"... and the cat with its legs out like it's wanting a big hug... wow!! I laughed so hard! Thanks for this post..and your visit to my place.
I love the one of the attack cat! They were all pretty good ones!
LOL!! That leaping kitty one cracks me up!
These are real fun Kathy.
You look so sweet with the horse.
I love the toenails and engagement photo- dance too
This made me smile today - I loved the variety of the photos and I loved the beefcake pics added too (hubba hubba).
Sometimes it is just fun to be silly!!!
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