My favorite folks ! :)

29 August 2010

Not much going on

I've been looking at different blogs done by folks listed in the Big Bear area.  Kind of fun.  Also rather surprising at times.  I wrote a bit more about that at I Looked For Love, if you've any interest.  First couple of paragraphs. 

The Grizzly says that the lightening that came thru with the rain started 13 different fires, all contained.  

Yesterday there was a fire between Hatchery & Lake Williams.  This is the road we use to go down the hill every week.  It was closed while they were getting the fire contained.  We live about 2 miles north (the direction the truck is headed) of where this pic was taken.  See the motorcycle?  There is a road to the right of where he is.  There is a road on the left right there, hidden by the truck.  When we first moved to Big Bear we lived about 1 mile down that road on the left.  

Duane called to tell me about the fire because his SAR group had been put on "standby" in case the fire grew.  But by the time i checked it out, the fire had been contained after consuming 1.25 acres.  We are very fortunate that it wasn't much worse, for the winds where very strong yesterday & that has continued today, too, although not as much.  It is feeling very chilly with that wind blowing.  I closed our bedroom sliding glass door!  That hadn't been closed since mid-June, & i didn't want to close it again for a few weeks.  (I CAN still open it of course, but it is a matter of pride to me to leave it open - don't ask why!)  I'm not fond of wind.  Between long hair, contacts, & being bothered by the sound, wind is not my friend.  A small breeze, fine, but not real wind.  

I've bought more yarn to make more baby blankets.  The first i made i don't like at all, but was still going to give to my friend's daughter for her coming girl baby, until i learned she doesn't like pink.  Huh.  The second i started, & while i like it . . . Well.  It is of very fine yarn & so is knit on small needles.  It is a simple pattern, but a pattern none the less.  I can tell that making that blanket will be hours & hours of work, & frankly, i don't believe my niece will appreciate it at all.  I'm not willing to put in the time on something that she won't recognize as quality.  

So, i'm working on a beautiful, multi-colored blanket made of very chunky (soft) yarn.  It should knit up quickly.  But it is too heavy for my niece in Florida, so i'll give it to my friend's daughter.  For my niece i bought a bamboo that should knit nicely, not be too heavy, & go rather quickly.  The only color option i had was a yellow, so that's what she'll get.  It is in 2 dye lots that are very different, but they didn't have enough of one to make it all & they've stopped making this particular brand.  So i bought all 5 skeins.  Two of one shade, 3 of another.  I figure i'll alternate the skeins & it will have to do.  When i'm farther i'll post a pic.  

One last paragraph.  See if i can do this.  I'm quite dyslexic & each & every post i have to crooect about one word in each sentence as i reverse the letters.  So i sowre to myself that i'd do one paragraph where i didn't correct the senences.  Except, i find that i'm typing slowly & not making the sme meitakes.  I've found it itneresting that being dyslexic isn't primarily reading for me.  I reverse left & girht & i reverse the letters each hand has to type.  Kiss becomes kill.  For some reason, with directions, i do better with north & souht, or starboard & prot.  Don't know why.  So, anyway, here is a small smaple of what my writing tould look like if i didn't correct as much as i do.  It was hard to write this & NOT go back & correct.  I think i did less mistakes here than normal because i must have been concentrating harder.

Have a lovely Sunday.  :)



lisa said...

I am glad that the fires are staying at bay! That last paragraph is amazing! I never realized! I could read it though! You have a good day also, even though it is almost over for me!

Amrita said...

Goodness that fire looks close enough- take care.

Glad you found the preferences of this girl you were going to knit for otherwise all of your hard work would be wasted.

Kathryn said...

Yes, Lisa, i'm thankful, too! I don't know why, but i had a feeling this could turn out to be a bad fire season. Maybe because we started having little ones so early in the year. The past couple of years, fires are more common in late August & early Sept.

There was a paragraph going around recently that was something like:

If you raed tihs nautural, you are lkie msot peploe bceause yuor barin nedes olny the frsit and lsat lttres to mkae the wrod.

Most people can still read that mess. It was a long paragraph that was widely passed around. Kind of crazy. But i still prefer to use proper spelling & punctuation!

Yes, Amrita, that fire was closer than we've been before. I'm rather surprised they were able to contain it the way the wind was blowing, but very thankful.

Also thankful to know about not using pink. Guess i'll donate the pink blanket to a local charity, & hopefully do one she likes. I'm enjoying it, although, as i said, i'm finding using huge needles & bulky yarn a challenge.

Mrs. Mac said...

Just popping in for a little visit. Hope your fires are out by now. The blankets sound very nice and well thought out. I hope you enjoy making them.

Have a good week.

Jena Webber said...

Interesting with dyslexia and writing--never knew! You do a great job at correcting your work then.

About our church, in general, you could google "plymouth brethren" and that may give you some insights. But make sure it is "open" plymouth brethren. We aren't perfect, and I'm not trying to promote any denomination on my blog, so I don't go into it there.

Kathi said...

I can't imagine knitting a blanket with fine yarn and small needles. Socks are bad enough! Which, by the way, I decided to knit my Mom a pair of socks for her birthday (which is on the 22nd). I wish I would have thought of this a month ago!

Jeanine said...

Well hello neighbor!!! Great to see your blog. For a while I thought I was the only blogger up here! Thank you for your comment. Cute chair I agree.

In reading your post about the fire, we called on the fire on Hachery too! We live in Baldwin and when I was feeding my chickens I saw it, I just didn't realize it was so far away, it looked like it was just over the hill to Ponderosa.

I am learning to knit too!

There's a fine line between kiss and kill too.

Thanks for stopping by!

Kathryn said...

Mrs Mac! Thank you for visiting. I know you are really busy at this end of the summer. Squirreling up the goodies for winter.

Thank you, Jena. I'm glad to know my deficiencies don't show too much. :) It was interesting in reading up on the info of the church you mention. I lean toward a "priesthood of all believers" myself, & while i appreciate pastors & all, i don't think it wise to put too much value on their opinions. I'm glad you have a place that works well for you.

Kathi - i can't imagine knitting socks! I'll probably use this fine yarn to knit baby hats. I've lots of it. If a miracle occurs & we have a child, i'll probably make the blanket. But honestly, i think it will be a 50 or 60 hour blanket, & i'm not sure i've the patience for that! My sister likes to knit socks, as does Gena (who owns the yarn shop). They turn out beautiful, but i think i'd rather knit a sweater. :)

Hi Jeanine! It was fun to find you. My husband was away last weekend & i spent much of that time perusing Big Bear blogs. There are about 100, or more of them but many are realtors or folks who don't post. Yours is delightful & it was so fun to find. David is a friend of mine. Lives in Sugarloaf & he blogs. One of his is Sugarloaf Mountain

I also follow the Barnes blog. They built a log home up here & it was fun to watch the progress.