My favorite folks ! :)

08 November 2010


I completely blanked on writing yesterday.  No other reason.  Of course, i could cheat and pre-date a post, but that is kind of missing the point.

I'm thankful that i'm not perfect (hah!)

The box packing evening went well.  I got a bit dizzy, walking around packing.  We packed 140+ boxes for the children (we ran out of some of the things, and they are storing the left overs for next year).  Duane came too, as it was a mix of men and women working.   It didn't take too long.  There must have been about 20 people there, so it went quickly.  

It was interesting that it was a mix of 2 churches working together on this, and they are both churches we've attended.  But not enough for me to sort them out and remember who attends which church. 

My only concern about what we did was the toothpaste.  They had a medium/medium small tube of toothpaste for most of the boxes (they ran out of that before we stopped packing).  If you've read me at all, you will know that i'm rabidly anti-fluoride.  I believe i have good reason to be.  But i didn't think to buy non-fluoride toothpaste when we were down the hill, and it is almost impossible to find in Big Bear; i wouldn't be able to find the quantity we would need; it would be expensive.  

So i kind of shrugged and thought, "I can't control everything.  I can't make people see my point of view.  I need to let go."

However, in thinking it over Saturday night, it occurred to me that we are sending these boxes to children overseas.  We don't know what kind of supervision these children will have, nor the situation they are in.  If these children are hungry, it is very likely they might eat that toothpaste.  And fluoride is very, very toxic.  So i did mention that concern to the organizing lady the next morning at church.  She seemed to appreciate the input (and had not thought about it).  It sounds possible that they will remove the toothpaste from the boxes.  (Or she may think i'm a crank and let it go.  I said what i needed to.)

I'm thankful that i'm awake (much too early) to watch the sunrise blush spread across the clouds north east of here.  

I'm thankful that when i wake, it is to the lovely sound of my husband sleeping deeply next to me.  And to have a "cat warmer" cuddled up, purring, against my leg.  I'm thankful that the house is warm and sound.  I'm thankful that the wood stove is working well and keeping the house warm when we use it.  (It isn't big enough or efficient enough to put out heat all night, tho.)  I'm thankful that while the cat has teeth and claws, he is only playful and not malicious.  

I'm thankful for the lovely way the church celebrated All Saints yesterday.  And the discussion it raised for Duane and me.  I'm thankful that we don't forget our loved ones who have died.  I'm thankful for memory.  I'm thankful that the churches we have been attending appear to be healthy and not terribly twisted.  

I'm thankful that the things of which Stephen King writes don't actually happen in our world.

I'm thankful for another chance to attend the knitting "group" (usually just 2 of us).  

Oh!  And i am so, so, so very thankful to have received an email from the State informing me that my application for certification (like a license) for my State massage permit has (finally) been approved.  ! ! !  :)  It has been months, and they are months behind in processing.  I was starting to panic.

I'm thankful that while our bedroom faces North/Northeast, now that the sun is really up i can enjoy the sunlight on the green trees with a background of white clouds and just a little blue sky (we have a storm passing over and have gotten a small amount of rain). 



David Edward said...

i am thankful that I have you and Duane for friends. perhaps that is the reason that I came to attend SITP for a while.
Thank you for your prayers for myself and my mom.

Kathryn said...

Oh, David, we are so thankful to have you as our friend! I'm not sure that we are as good a friend to you as you deserve, but we do so appreciate you. :)

I do continue to pray for you & your situation.

betty said...

congrats on getting your licensure approved!! You know, I hadn't even thought of that with the fluoride toothpaste when I have made up boxes like you were describing. That's a good reminder to make note of for future things I might do. I'm glad the packing went well. It is always good go have a good amount of volunteers to help out; does make it go by faster for sure!!

Again, a great list of thankfuls!


lisa said...

Now that is a lot of packing. More power to you!

Mrs. Mac said...

What a good thank you list today! It is like a breath of fresh air when we remember to give Him thanks for all of the blessings. Somehow a thankful heart makes the day more merry and the sorrows seem to not press down as hard. Good list Kathryn.

Kathryn said...

Hi Betty - thank you. :)

Yeah, the fluoride can be a real problem. "Many hands make light work." It certainly did for us in making up all these (shoe box-sized) boxes.

Lisa, it was a lot of packing, but the boxes aren't big and we each did between 4 & 6. Not too much work.

Mrs. Mac - yes, thank yous and looking at the world thru a more positive lens are vital. Thanks for stopping by. :)