Nearly ripe peaches. They are pretty small. The egg,
This pic is better when you enlarge it. My mother said that these apples are MacIntosh. I'll have to take her word for it. They are about the size of a tennis ball. Birds have gotten a lot of them. My stomach doesn't tolerate fresh apples well, i have to have them cooked. But i think i can prepare & freeze these & have them ready for pies. And more to share. :) We have more of the deep blue sky today. It doesn't show well in pics.
And! Hurray! And thanks to my sis! The trim on Sugarbear is finally done. :) Duane & i had nearly completed the upstairs part (around the upper deck) but it needed touch ups. She did that & finished the downstairs beams. Also, the garage trim needed another coat & she did that too.
It looks so pretty & finished to me. :)
Have someone coming for massage soon. I need to go. Hope everyone is having a lovely day. (In edit mode. The pic placement is giving me problems. Click on the small pic images to get them to go to the proper size.)
Your have small peaches, we have small cantaloupe (I think they are cute .. personal size) that are very sweet. Thanks for your input about the seed issue I'm having. I have been studying up a little bit over the summer about some of the big (Monsanto type) type of takeovers with farms, bio-engineering seeds etc. All I know is I have bouts of skin allergies that bother me every day. Hey, you mentioned about giving up on your baking soda 'shampoo' .. here's one more. Use a little bit of a good homemade bath/bar soap with water to lather up you hair .. then sprinkle on a little bit of the baking soda. Rinse with a mix of vinegar and water .. rinse again. Even if you just use it every second or third wash it might help and feel a bit better. Sometimes when my 'skin itching' gets really bad, I have to resort to taking a Claritin. I took it everyday for two weeks, now I'm down to about twice a month. I'd like to get to where I don't have to take it at all, but it does help greatly ... I just hate taking any pills!
I'm coming to Orange County/Long Beach area in February for a week with my family. My MIL lives in L.B. and we're going to Disneyland (ughh) for one night/two days. And the rest of the time to visit MIL. I hope I can cope with the traffic and hoards of people!!
Wow the peaches are lovely.
I am coming for some!!!
We get ours from the mountains, but this year they were too expensive so I did not buy any.
I like peach preserve.
I have had homegrown peaches small like that-they were the best flavor of peaches I have ever had.
I love seeing photos of Sugarbear, it's like a little eye candy to get me through the day! You keep those photos coming...
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